Also WCI carries one of the finest Carving websites available to the novice and advanced carver alike .. Its message board allows the carver to view , display, and discuss all types of related carvings with beginners and professionals alike .. A excellent learning tool for any carver to have available to him or her .. ( $20.00 year)

Carving Magazine is a a excellent magazine and geared to the advanced and beginning carver alike .. Its format is very professional and articles and demonstrations are by very professional and knowledgeable carvers alike .. ($ 20.00 year)

Chip Chats is probably one of the oldest carving magazines around today .. It is a excellent carving magazine and published by The National Woodcarvers Association .. But geared mostly for the show of carving rather then demonstartion .. It has excellent articles and photos on Woodcarving Shows and Future Events .. It is a magazine any carver would enjoy has a subscription to ( $16.00 year)
gene your doing a great job and service for everyone with the info that you provide, keep up the good work, i ck it often and find it very interesting, love your blog, arleen
ReplyDeleteI second that! Amazing educational and resource material. Many, many thanks, Gene.
ReplyDeleteThanks,I subscribe,and agree.And chip chats shows what everyone else is doing across the U.S. I hate to throw them away,so I have stscks of all three. whittlinden-osprey02